The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and its complimenting regulations, imposes statutory duties on employers and employees.
To enable these statutory duties to be carried out, it is the policy of
This health and safety policy has three parts. The first is the policy statement; the second is the organisation and responsibilities and the third part details the arrangements for health and safety.
General Statement of Policy
Crusader Limited provide technology-based products and services and health and safety is an integral part of our approach to delivering a professional service to our clients. We are committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of our employees, so far as is reasonably practicable, and recognise that the effective management of health and safety and the environment is an integral part of our overall business performance.
We also fully accept our responsibility for other persons such as clients, contractors and visitors who may be affected by our activities.
It is our policy:
- To meet our legal obligations to maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
- To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks so identified.
- To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
- To provide and maintain safe equipment.
- To ensure the safe handling and use of substances.
- To provide information, instruction, training where necessary for our workforce, taking account of any who do not have English as a first language.
- To ensure that all workers are competent to do their work, and to give them appropriate training.
- To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
- To actively manage and supervise health and safety at work.
- To have access to competent advice.
- To seek continuous improvement in our health and safety performance and management through regular review and revision of this policy.
- To minimise the impact we have on the environment.
- To provide the resource required to make this policy and our Health and Safety arrangements effective.
We also recognise;
- Our duty to co-operate and work with other employers when we work at premises or sites under their control to ensure the continued health and safety of all those at work.
- Our duty to co-operate and work with other employers and their workers, when their workers come onto our premises or sites to do work for us, to ensure the health and safety arrangements section of this policy.
We will ensure that adequate resources are committed in pursuance of these aims and, wherever required, Competent Persons will be provided, including the use of experts as necessary. We shall carry out risk assessments for our work and have clear rules and procedures to follow. These rules and procedures form part of the health and safety arrangements section of this policy.
Whilst the onus of Health and Safety falls primarily on Management, all employees have legal obligations to take all reasonable care to protect themselves and anyone else affected by their acts or omissions. The successful implementation of this policy requires total commitment of management, contractors, and employees at all levels.
Details of the organisation and arrangements for health and safety are set out in the health and safety arrangements section of the safety policy document.
This policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed annually, and if necessary, updated in the light of legislative or organisational changes.
Organisation and Responsibilities
The overall and final responsibility for health and safety in the company lies with the Managing Director. However, the company expects all employees, contractors, visitors and clients to ensure this policy is put into practice.
All employees must co-operate by:
- Working with regard to the safety of themselves and others.
- Working safely in accordance with instructed methods.
- Adhering to the Company's safety procedures and rules.
- Wear the appropriate PPE to carry out their work tasks.
- Reporting all incidents and accidents in the proper way and co-operating in the investigation of accidents and measures taken to prevent recurrence.
- Reporting possible hazards, defects or dangers.
- Ensure that all tools and equipment are safe to use and they have been trained in their use.
Consultation between management and employees is provided through direct consultation and discussion with employees.
The company is responsible for:
- Safety training
- Carrying out safety inspections
- Ensuring a safe method of work
- Overseeing risk assessments
- Investigating accidents
This policy will be reviewed annually.
Signed: KSodenBarton
Position: Managing Director
Dated: 03/01/2025