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How To Replace The Ear Pads On Mk2 Robust Flexible Almost Unbreakable Headphones

By Lorraine Soden-Barton  •  0 comments  •   1 minute read

How To Replace The Ear Pads On Mk2 Robust Flexible Almost Unbreakable Headphones

Guide to replacing and securing the red silicon ear pads on our Mk2 Robust Flexible Almost Unbreakable Headphones

This short guide will take you through the process of removing and replacing the red silicon ear pads for our Mk2 Robust Flexible Almost Unbreakable Headphones.


The image above shows how the ear pads should look when correctly inserted into the headphones.

They should be locked into place, therefore not allowing them to fall out when the headphones are picked up or moved around.

The image on the left shows the interior of the ear pads, with the locking plastic ring visible. Please note that the break in the ring is intended, as it allows the ring fit into the ridges on the plastic lugs within the headphone, therefore ensuring a secure fit.

How to fit and securely apply an ear pad:

  1. The black plastic ring must first be placed into the red ear pad (as shown).

  2. The ear pad is to be placed onto the headphone.

  3. Then gently push the ring into place behind the lugs.

  4. An audible click will be heard when the ear pad is secured in place.

NB. This will be universally applicable to all variations of our MK2 Headphones.

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