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Easy2Use 2.4gHZ Wireless Optical Computer Mouse

Easy2Use  |  SKU: S16751
£499 +VAT

2.4Ghz Wireless Mouse with Dongle

With automatic frequency hopping, so that it experiences no interference.

This wireless mouse allows you to work up to 10metres from your computer without any irritating cables, and has power-saving features with automatic hibernation when not in use.

Our mouse has been designed to provide a comfortable contoured shape with soft rubber grips to keep your hand comfortable for a long time without fatigue. Perfect for travelling as it can be easily put into your laptop bag and is ultra-space saving.

Cwestiynau Cyffredin


I ba wledydd ydych chi'n llongio?

Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn llongio i'r Unol Daleithiau, Canada, Awstralia a'r DU. I holi am gludo i gyrchfan wahanol, cysylltwch â ni.

Pa mor hir y bydd yn ei gymryd i dderbyn fy archeb?

Mae cludo safonol fel arfer yn cymryd 3-5 diwrnod. Mae llongau diwrnod nesaf ar gael ar bob archeb ddomestig (am dâl ychwanegol). Mae amseroedd cludo rhyngwladol yn dibynnu ar y cynhyrchion a'r gyrchfan (amcangyfrif wrth y ddesg dalu).

Dychwelyd ac Ad-daliadau

Sut ydw i'n dychwelyd cynnyrch?

Rhaid dychwelyd eitemau o fewn 30 diwrnod ar ôl derbyn eich archeb. Rhaid dychwelyd eitemau yn yr un cyflwr ag y cawsant eu derbyn, bod heb eu gwisgo/heb eu defnyddio, bod ag unrhyw dagiau arnynt o hyd, a chynnwys yr holl ddeunydd pacio gwreiddiol.

Pa mor hir y bydd yn ei gymryd i dderbyn fy ad-daliad?

Mae ad-daliadau yn cael eu prosesu o fewn 7 diwrnod ar ôl i ni dderbyn yr eitem(au).

Easy2Use 2.4gHZ Wireless Optical Computer Mouse

Easy2Use 2.4gHZ Wireless Optical Computer Mouse

£499 +VAT

2.4Ghz Wireless Mouse with Dongle

With automatic frequency hopping, so that it experiences no interference.

This wireless mouse allows you to work up to 10metres from your computer without any irritating cables, and has power-saving features with automatic hibernation when not in use.

Our mouse has been designed to provide a comfortable contoured shape with soft rubber grips to keep your hand comfortable for a long time without fatigue. Perfect for travelling as it can be easily put into your laptop bag and is ultra-space saving.

Gweld cynnyrch